The Big Experiment
Ever wondered how technology start-ups, well, start-up? For most founder entrepreneurs, it is the biggest experiment they'll ever run. Like most experiments, the result isn't known beforehand and it often doesn't work first time. On a bigger scale, how do big tech companies turn innovative science into profit?
Mark Davison interviews founder scientists, executives, investors, communicators, and others in the technology start-up and corporate science ecosystems.
Learn how great ideas turned into thriving businesses (or not) from those who made it happen (or didn't). Get business tips, lessons learned, and life lessons straight from the people who know.
Inspiring, disastrous, funny: hear what life in a science-driven company is really like.
Straight-talking, no nonsense, but conversational style. All technical content is explained for the non-specialist - you don't need a PhD or fluency in jargon and technobabble.
The Big Experiment
Hazel Jones: Enhancing Drug Discovery with 3D Genomics
What role does 3D genomics have in drug discovery?
In this episode I am joined by Hazel Jones, CEO of Enhanc3d Genomics, to find out more about this cutting-edge technology.
Hazel is a dynamic and flexible senior leader with experience of oncology research, both in pharma/biotech and an academic/charity setting. Making her insights into the workings of not for profit and big pharma invaluable.
We discuss her work at Enhanc3d Genomics and the role of 3D genomics in uncovering the regulatory elements of the genome. As well as its potential in identifying new drug targets and biomarkers. Hazel also shares insights into the challenges and opportunities in the biotech industry and the importance of networking and collaboration to help projects succeed.
Hazel has a wealth of knowledge not just in her specialism but how the whole industry works, so sit tight and get ready to learn!
“We've made huge discoveries both in drugs and diagnosis through genomics.” – Hazel Jones
You’ll hear about:
01:13 - What do Enhanc3d Genomics do?
05:16 - Hazel's experience in not for profit
10:11 - Behind the scenes in big pharma
15:53 - How promoters and enhancers work
24:36 - Regulators and the potential for side effects
31:59 - Hazel on raising money
36:40 - Prevention rather than the cure
37:51 - Hazel on Conexen
Connect with Hazel:
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/joneshazel/
Enhanc3d Genomics - https://enhanc3d-genomics.com/
Connect with me:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markdavison100/
Grant Instruments: https://www.grantinstruments.com/
Grant Instruments on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/grant-instruments-cambridge-ltd/