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The Big Experiment

Ever wondered how technology start-ups, well,  start-up? For most founder entrepreneurs, it is the biggest experiment they'll ever run. Like most experiments, the result isn't known beforehand and it often doesn't work first time. On a bigger scale, how do big tech companies turn innovative science into profit?

Mark Davison interviews founder scientists, executives, investors, communicators, and others in the technology start-up and corporate science ecosystems. 

Learn how great ideas turned into thriving businesses (or not) from those who made it happen (or didn't).  Get business tips, lessons learned, and life lessons straight from the people who know. 

Inspiring, disastrous, funny: hear what life in a science-driven company is really like.

Straight-talking, no nonsense, but conversational style.  All technical content is explained for the non-specialist - you don't need a PhD or fluency in jargon and technobabble. 

The Big Experiment

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