The Big Experiment
Ever wondered how technology start-ups, well, start-up? For most founder entrepreneurs, it is the biggest experiment they'll ever run. Like most experiments, the result isn't known beforehand and it often doesn't work first time. On a bigger scale, how do big tech companies turn innovative science into profit?
Mark Davison interviews founder scientists, executives, investors, communicators, and others in the technology start-up and corporate science ecosystems.
Learn how great ideas turned into thriving businesses (or not) from those who made it happen (or didn't). Get business tips, lessons learned, and life lessons straight from the people who know.
Inspiring, disastrous, funny: hear what life in a science-driven company is really like.
Straight-talking, no nonsense, but conversational style. All technical content is explained for the non-specialist - you don't need a PhD or fluency in jargon and technobabble.
The Big Experiment
Janette Thomas: Delaying ageing to treat chronic diseases
The global population is getting older and with that comes more disease.
What if we could delay ageing as a way of treating those diseases?
My guest in this episode is Janette Thomas, CEO of Five Alarm Bio Ltd., a drug discovery company focusing on novel approaches to anti-aging, with broad potential therapeutic applications.
She discusses the applications of this approach and where the idea came from. She also shares how they put together the information to secure investors and the art of patenting the right drugs.
Janette also gives insight into the challenges still facing the scientific industry in overcoming not just gender bias but inclusivity overall. She also suggests ways to encourage more women into STEM subjects.
“Make sure that you challenge people when they haven't included others” - Janette Thomas
You’ll hear about:
1:10 – Janette’s inspiration to become a scientist
08:40 - Gender bias in science and academia
13:16 – Janette’s experiences in the Pharmaceutical industry
17:26 – Why you need effective communication
21:58 – Where the idea for Five Alarm Bio came from
26:23 – Janette’s work on chronic wounds
29:43 – Carving out your square of the universe
32:36 – Working with CROs
38:23 – Janette on managing her mental health
Follow Janette:
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/janette-thomas-50a3766/
Five Alarm Bio Ltd. on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/five-alarm-bio-limited/
Five Alarm Bio website - http://www.fivealarm.bio/
Connect with Me:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markdavison100/
Grant Instruments: https://www.grantinstruments.com/
Grant Instruments on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/grant-instruments-cambridge-ltd/